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Action-Takers Quiz 10 Minutes to Your Personalized Action-Takers Map & Toolkit

If you’re ambitious and ready to stop waiting and start following-through on the passions and projects that have been side-lined for two months or more….
It’s time for you to close the gap between what you say you want to do and what you’re actually doing!

You’re 10 minutes away from getting a step-by-step Action-Takers Map and Toolkit to help you start taking action and creating the momentum on your side-lined projects.
Let’s create the impact you know you’re here to make! 

How It Works

1. Complete the following quiz about your project, actions, time and practices. All your answers are 100% confidential. Once received I’ll assess your Stage of Action and create a personalized Action-Takers Map with suggestions to help you move to the next stage.

2. Expect to receive your unique Action-Takers Map and Toolkit within 48 hours.

3. Jump on a private 30-minute call with me (Free!) to review your results and gain the clarity and confidence to take the next steps on your impactful projects and passions.


The Quiz

On the following questions select a number between 1-10 to indicate your knowledge, skill and use in your day-to-day life. 10 is the highest score. Then, respond to open-ended questions with additional detail so your Action-Takers Map and Toolkit can be best customized to you!

Happy Quiz-Taking!
♥ Amanda